
Year 10 Japanese

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss J. Vincent.

Our Year 10 course builds on the topics covered in Year 9 and prepares you for interacting confidently in daily life situations. You will learn how to read and write using katakana script and kanji characters (Chinese characters) as well as continuing to use hiragana script. You will learn to discuss your daily activities, your likes and dislikes, and how to describe your friends and family.

An important part of all lessons is the cultural component. You will enjoy exploring both traditional and modern cultural aspects such as Fashion, music and food, and meeting students from our Japanese exchange schools.

This course gives you an excellent basis for NCEA Levels 1-3 and beyond.
New Zealand is part of the global economy and knowledge of Japanese can prepare you for a career in tourism, trade, media, marketing, diplomacy, interpreting, broadcasting, hospitality, music, and financing.

Subject Overview

Term 1
Review of Year 9
We cover a lot in Year Nine from alphabet to crafting sentences. We will spend some time reviewing all of this to make you feel confident in what you already know!

We will learn the second alphabet for borrowed words. You already have one alphabet down, let's add the next!!

Extended self-introductions
We know we can say our names and ages in Japanese but what about things like hobbies? In order to open our conversations with friends who speak Japanese to more interesting, we will learn about your hobbies, your skills and more!

Term 2
Talking about our family
The next step in getting small talk down in Japanese is chatting about our family in greater depth than at year 9.

Making Plans with Friends
With all your small talk skills, you've made some friends in Japan or who speak Japanese. Let's make sure we can invite them to hang out with us beyond just at school. You will learn how to invite people using appropriate Japanese conventions.

Term 3
What's the weather like?
Learning how to tell the weather is very helpful for daily life in Japan, with it's very seasonal weather. We will learn how to talk and ask about the weather and give recommendations on what to wear or bring because of it!

What are you going to wear?
Fashion in Japan is iconic and always interesting. We will learn how to discuss this in depth, exploring subcultures such as Lolita Fashion, Traditional Kimono and more!

Term 4
I got lost! Where are you?!
Getting lost in Japan is not ideal but it is definitely less scary if you can ask for help and communicate where you are to others. We will learn different locational information and how to ask/share it with others.

Let's go to a restaurant
Japanese food is phenomenal! Eating it is a fun experiences (That we typically go out to do in this course), let's explore the table manners and set phrases you will hear in a Japanese restaurant so you can order food like a pro!

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 9 Japanese

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

1x 1H5 square grid book for in-class work,


Assessment Information

no assessment in junior school


All subject selections are provisional only and are subject to:

  • meeting any course entry requirements
  • minimum class sizes
  • the availability of teaching staff

and the final decision is at the discretion of the Head of Learning Area for that subject.