Physical Education

Physical Education is the study of how physical activity impacts our lives. Students learn about how the body functions and the influence physical activity has on our well-being. Physical activity experiences are an integral part of human development. They contribute to people’s physical health and well-being, growth, personal development and self-esteem. Regular and enjoyable physical activity benefits everyone and for our students, it should be a part of daily life.

Physical Education is a valuable subject choice for students wishing to pursue learning that will take them into further study related to the social and health sciences such as education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, politics, law, economics, medicine, and careers in any field where they work with people, such as education, health, justice, and social services.

Junior Health:
Junior Health is focussed on the well-being, of the students themselves, of other people, and of society, through learning in health-related situations. Four underlying and interdependent concepts are at the heart of this learning area:

  • Hauora - a Māori philosophy of well-being that includes the dimensions taha wairua, taha hinengaro, taha tinana, and taha whānau, each one influencing and supporting the others.
  • Attitudes and values - a positive, responsible attitude on the part of students to their own well-being; respect, care, and concern for other people and the environment; and a sense of social justice.
  • The socio-ecological perspective - a way of viewing and understanding the interrelationships that exist between individuals, others, and society.
  • Health promotion - a process that helps to develop and maintain supportive physical and emotional environments and that involves students in personal and collective actions.

Students engage in critical thinking processes that encourage them to challenge a range of personal and societal health-related perceptions, practices and understandings, to decide what is fair and just for individuals and for all people. Health Education deals with topics of relevance for adolescents such as healthy relationships, drug and alcohol use, building resilience to manage change and stress, and healthy eating.

Students will learn to develop critical insights into many well-being related issues that affect them personally, other people they know, people in the communities where they live, and people worldwide. Integral to these understandings, students will develop a range of skills that they can use to help them manage their own well-being (eg how to make health-enhancing choices, and plan and action goals), support the well-being of others (eg how to communicate effectively and see issues from different perspectives), and contribute meaningfully and responsibly to the well-being of communities (eg how to look critically at well-being issues affecting communities, and to plan and take collective action).