St Mary’s College (Wellington) St Mary’s College (Wellington)

Level 3 History

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms S. Lamond.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry. It is not a prerequisite to have taken History at Levels 1 and 2.

History is a literacy based subject. It is advisable that students have gained UE Literacy in Level 2.

Course of Study

Learning about the past helps us understand the world we live in today.


Level 3 further develops students' understanding of key historical concepts and skills. These include analysing primary and secondary sources, recognising perspectives, recognising significance, analysing causes and consequences, and undertaking research.

The contexts we study provide lots of opportunities for students to do this. These include:

  • A Promised Land: Israel/Palestine.  
  • The Birth of Our Nation. Selected case studies of 19th century Aotearoa/New Zealand.
    - examples include women's suffrage, War in Wellington, mass European migration schemes
  • Student choice - researching an event that is of significance to New Zealand.
    - examples include 9/11, the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, invasion of Parihaka, 

Learning Areas:

Social Sciences

Assessment Information

Students are able to gain UE endorsement in History.

Students are strongly encouraged to complete all three internal achievement standards - which in total provide sufficient credits for UE endorsement.

While students are encouraged to select one external achievement standard, some may wish to enter two.

Career Pathways

Animator/Digital Artist, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Artistic Director, Barrister, Minister of Religion, Graphic Designer, Interior Designer, Conservator, Legal Executive, Solicitor, Judge, Workplace Relations Adviser, Records Adviser, Game Developer, Photographer, Policy Analyst, Archivist, Curator, Librarian, Library Assistant, Tertiary Lecturer, Air Traffic Controller, Zoologist, Chemist, Architect, Historian, Heavy Truck Driver, Artist, Meat/Seafood Process Worker, Microbiologist, Biosecurity Officer, Earthmoving Machine Operator, Urban/Regional Planner, Elected Government Representative, Emergency Management Officer, Meteorologist, Psychologist, Communications Professional, Interpreter, Pharmacist, Concrete Worker

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Students require a laptop as much of the learning is online.
Students also require basic stationery - a folder and refill for writing and storing notes and activities.


All subject selections are provisional only and are subject to:

and the final decision is at the discretion of the Head of Learning Area for that subject.