Level 2 Physical Education
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms A. Grigg.
Level 2 Physical Education will provide students with the opportunity to build on their understanding of sports science such as functional anatomy, exercise physiology and sports psychology. Understanding these biophysical principles will help students self-assess and examine ways to improve performance for themselves and others.
Students will also have an opportunity to develop their coaching and leadership skills as they are required to plan and carry out sessions with our local primary school.
There is also an overnight outdoor education opportunity for students to learn about risks associated with rafting and how to manage them.
Students will also learn about sociological factors that influence our physical activity experiences and develop their understanding of the importance of social responsibility within sport.
Students have the opportunity to gain up to 22 Level 2 achievement standard credits, all of which are internally assessed. They also have the opportunity to gain course endorsement with merit or excellence in this subject. To gain an excellence endorsement, students need to gain 14 or more credits at excellence level. To gain a merit endorsement, they need to gain 14 or more credits at merit (or a combination of merit and excellence).
Individual teachers will also give students access to their own google classroom site. This is a safe digital environment for student learning that enables students to view assessments, ask online questions about work and allows students to catch up on any work/resources that are missed if absent. It also allows research resources to be posted by both students and teacher encouraging collaborative learning.

Recommended Prior Learning
There is no entry requirements for this course. However, the academic level of writing required means that it is beneficial to have taken Year 11 Physical Education.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Contributions need to be given towards EOTC activities
Exercise clothing and shoes
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Physical Education 2.3 - Demonstrate understanding of the application of biophysical principles to training for physical activity
Physical Education 2.4 - Perform a physical activity in an applied setting
Physical Education 2.5 - Examine the significance for self, others and society of a sporting event, a physical activity, or a festival
Physical Education 2.6 - Evaluate leadership strategies that contribute to the effective functioning of a group
Physical Education 2.7 - Analyse the application of risk management strategies to a challenging outdoor activity
Physical Education 2.9 - Examine the implementation and outcome(s) of a physical activity event or opportunity
All subject selections are provisional only and are subject to:
- meeting any course entry requirements
- minimum class sizes
- the availability of teaching staff
and the final decision is at the discretion of the Head of Learning Area for that subject.