St Mary’s College (Wellington) St Mary’s College (Wellington)

Year 10 Commerce

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms S. Lamond, Mr N. Tully.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry

Year 10 Commerce combines Financial Literacy and Business Studies.

Students will start the year by choosing a major project to apply a Consumer Decision Making Model to.  Projects could include buying your first car, going flatting, buying a house, going on your big O.E or even projects including choosing a university course, or a horse!

Students then learn important Financial Literacy concepts including Consumer Rights, Saving, Borrowing, Budgeting and Insurance, which they can then apply to their futures. 

For Financial Literacy students will be assessed using the financial capabilities progressions and against curriculum levels 3-6.

In Business Studies, students will get a chance to form their own companies and run a mini business activity.  The programme in Year 10 will focus largely on the Marketing Mix and creating a Marketing Pitch.  Students will also learn about business features, entrepreneurial characteristics of NZ business heroes and complete some business problem solving.

Learning Areas:

Social Sciences


Level 1 Commerce

This course is really about practical life skills - financial ones. It will prepare you for running your own business and give you some good insights into working in the finance sector and/or potentially retail.

Career Pathways

Cook, Mining Engineer, Actuary, Statistician, Baker, Hotel/Motel Manager, Cafe Worker, Debt Collector, Butcher, Waiter/Waitress, Cafe/Restaurant Manager, Urban/Regional Planner, Kitchenhand, Chef, Elected Government Representative, Sales Representative, Accountant, Auditor, Finance Manager, Receptionist, Advertising Specialist, Sales and Marketing Manager, Agricultural/Horticultural Consultant, Retail Manager, Insurance Loss Adjuster, Bank Worker, Farmer/Farm Manager, Property Manager, Buyer, Contact Centre Worker, Motor Vehicle Salesperson, Managing Director/Chief Executive, Insurance Claims Officer, Communications Professional, Event Manager

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

This course is fully BYOD. Students are encouraged to have refill and a clear file for their business planning. In addition they may find an exercise or note book helpful for Financial Literacy.
Students may need start up funds for their Market Day activity. However, every effort will be made to keep costs at minimum and students will be encouraged to upcycle and source resources freely.

EOTC: 1-2 Half Day Trips using Public Transport (TBC)


All subject selections are provisional only and are subject to:

and the final decision is at the discretion of the Head of Learning Area for that subject.