St Mary’s College (Wellington) St Mary’s College (Wellington)

Level 2 General Science

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms J. Clarke.

Recommended Prior Learning

Level 1 Senior Science OR Level 1 General Science

This course allows students who took Level 1 General Science OR Level 1 Senior Science to continue exploring science ideas. For those students who did not take science in Year 11, entry is at the discretion of the Head of Science, but this may be the course for you.

This is an internally assessed course with no external examination at the end of the year. All assessments are completed in class time. 

The list of achievement standards offered below reflect the possible assessment opportunities, but not all will be offered.

A minimum of 14 credits are offered from the Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth & Space Science strands, but more may be offered (up to a maximum of 20 credits) depending on the class. Assessments and topics can be tailored to meet the needs of the class (e.g. have more of a health focus). Some of these standards will also provide Literacy and Numeracy credits at Level 2.

Learning Areas:



Level 3 General Science

Career Pathways

Agricultural Technician, Air Force Aviator, Air Force Officer, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Anaesthetic Technician, Animal Care Attendant, Beekeeper, Chemist, Aquaculture Farmer, Author, Glazier, Baker, Farmer/Farm Manager, Metal Worker

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A laptop is recommended as all of the assessment work and research is completed online in the Google Classroom. Other resources will be provided as required.


All subject selections are provisional only and are subject to:

and the final decision is at the discretion of the Head of Learning Area for that subject.