St Mary’s College (Wellington) St Mary’s College (Wellington)

Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus

Subject Description Recommended Prior Learning

A Merit endorsement in Level 2 Mathematics is recommended for this course, with Merit grades in AS 2.6 and AS. 2.7. 

AS 91577 (3.5) is an optional extra standard that can be done in this course and is required for Health Sciences at Auckland University.

The course is based on Level 8 of the NZ Mathematics and Statistics Curriculum and includes Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus.
This course is more analytical and theoretical than Mathematics with Statistics, and is needed for Mathematics study at University. 

Course outline 2024

Learning Areas:

Mathematics and Statistics

Career Pathways

Mining Engineer, Auditor, Finance Manager, Aeronautical Engineer, Air Force Aviator, Air Force Officer, Mechanical Engineering Technician, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Software Developer, Pathologist, Chemist, Marine Biologist, Architect, Insurance Loss Adjuster, Electronics Engineer, Automotive Electrician, Chemical Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Biotechnologist, Naval Architect, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Surveyor, Urban/Regional Planner, Civil Engineer, Civil Engineering Technician/Draughtsperson, Systems Administrator, Forensic Scientist, Geologist, Electrical Engineering Technician, Engineering Machinist, Information Technology Architect, Environmental Engineer, Marine Engineer, Food Technologist, Landscape Architect, Production Manager, Project Manager, Network Administrator, Geospatial Specialist, Security Analyst, Security Consultant

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A graphics calculator is essential for this course.


All subject selections are provisional only and are subject to:

and the final decision is at the discretion of the Head of Learning Area for that subject.