Vocational Pathways

The NCEA credits you gain at school are not only building towards an NCEA qualification; they also build towards future career pathways. When you check your NCEA results you’ll see a colour coding that shows how your credits are building into career pathways. Use the Youth Guarantee website to further explore how your credits create a career pathway.

What are the Vocational Pathways?

The Vocational Pathways help you see how your learning and achievement is valued in the ‘real world’ by aligning your NCEA credits with six industries:

  • Primary Industries
  • Services Industries
  • Social & Community Services
  • Manufacturing & Technology
  • Construction & Infrastructure
  • Creative Industries

These six pathways represent ways to structure and achieve credits that provide a framework for further education and training. Visit the Youth Guarantee website and use the pathways to build your career profile.